Why open a yogurt ice cream self-service?
The Italian market for ice cream self-service is growing rapidly and the winning choice is to anticipate the market and be the first on the square is essential to attract the largest number of customers
usually just for the novelty run to visit you. Ke Taste with us the customer is not just for the novelty of ice cream self service, but then it always comes back to the quality of what he tasted.
If you want to open a self-service ice cream parlor, rely on our franchise Ke Taste. We will help properly along the way and we will help you make the right choices to open a successful franchise.
Moreover, the cost of a franchise is less than the cost that you might face yourself and for a range of products and for both equipment costs but more will not make those typical mistakes of those who venture into a whole new market that may present more and in any case the difficulties
Ke Taste follows you step by step to save time and money
Simplicity, independence, fun and quality these are the keys Ke Taste success. We create an innovative ice cream excellent instant creaming cafeteria. A unique environment where the customer feels at ease and is free to play with the taste. A journey of flavors and mouth-watering creations where the customer is the star and creator.
Our ice cream and yogurt are all gluten free and without preservatives.